

You can use MateSel to match which ram and ewe to mate to get the best breeding outcome whilst managing inbreeding. MateSel is available free to Sheep Genetics clients. Our version of MateSel uses pedigree and ASBV information straight from our databases.

To use MateSel you need to attend training and submit an assessment. You can register your interest in attending by completing the Pre-training survey in the box on the right. Please note training is only at specific times of the year usually in October and November.

MateSel gives you mating outcomes by submitting lists of possible sires and females, information about your breeding program (e.g. how many types a sire can be used), as well as constraints on short term and long term inbreeding (co-ancestry). The program will run a number of scenarios to get the best possible choice of individuals to select and the best arrangement of mate selection. It even provides the next best mating option.

It is important to consider your breeding program by ensuring you have full pedigree and measuring all traits that you think are important.

The easiest way to use MateSel is with an index. Then the program optimises genetic gain using one number. You can also put constraints on other traits in your breeding program to fine tune the mating outcomes.


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Information session 5th Sept 24 - 9.30am-11.30am (NSW time)


Information session 2nd Oct 24 - 6.30pm-8.30pm (NSW time)

Information session 3rd Oct 24 - 3.00-5.00pm (NSW time)



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Practical - 6th Sep 24 - 2.00pm-4.00pm (NSW time)


Practical - 4th Oct 24 - 10.00am-12.00pm (NSW time)

Practical - 3rd Oct 24 - 6.30pm-8.30pm (NSW time)