To generate breeding values you need to collect, record, and submit data to Sheep Genetics.
Recording pedigree, how animals are managed and how they perform takes effort.
To make sure you get the best return for this investment, it is important to record all data as accurately as possible.
This section explains what data you need to collect to generate an ASBV. This includes what data to submit, how to capture this data and how to submit it.
For details about how to subscribe to Sheep Genetics see the ‘Getting Started’ section on our website.
Data is supplied electronically through a software program that is compatible with Sheep Genetics evaluations. There are several commercial and free software packages available to ensure your data is provided in the correct format for Sheep Genetics.
For information about this software visit the Sheep Genetics website, click on the ‘Getting Started’ tab and go to ‘Software for Managing Data’ or contact the Sheep Genetics team.
Software for managing data | Sheep Genetics
Sheep Genetics works with independent data managers who can help you collect and submit data.
These data managers understand how to use the software and submit good quality data. Some also help with on-farm measurement of traits and breeding program design.
A list of providers can be found on the Sheep Genetics website under the ‘Service Providers’ tab and by clicking ‘Data Managers’.
Service providers | Sheep Genetics
The required data for each animal includes:
Links for each section include more information on how to capture each of these pieces of information.
Data should be submitted as soon as possible after you have measured the whole cohort. A cohort is all the animals you are going to measure for the trait. (Note: animals are only charged once in their life, you may submit as many traits as often as you would like at no additional cost.)
Sheep Genetics update each analysis twice a month. A list of analysis cut-off dates (the final date for your data to be included in the next analysis run) are available on the Sheep Genetics website – go to the ‘Getting Started’ tab, click on ‘Data Submission Process’, and find the ‘Analysis Dates’ tab on the right.
Analysis dates | Sheep Genetics
You need to submit your data to Sheep Genetics before 5pm on the cut-off date. The earlier you submit data, the more time there is to correct any errors.
The cut off dates for inclusion in the MERINOSELECT and DOHNE evaluation are the 7th and 21st of each month, and 1st and 15th for the LAMBPLAN Maternal and Terminal evaluations, except where these dates fall on a weekend or NSW public holiday the cut off is brought for to the business day before.
Sheep Genetics will provide your results within 10 working days of the cut-off date.
More information on the data submission process can be found on the Sheep Genetics website.